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The best way to make your Can-am safe for kids

3 main accessories needed for your kids!
The best way to make your Can-am safe for kids

When owning a Can-am, sharing the thrill with your kids is part of the excitement. So, how do you make it safe for the little ones to ride with you? If you want to get technical, they are made for young children; however, there are several things that you can do to make it safer for children to experience the exhilarating ride! Since Can-am machines are made with adults in mind, the seats are pretty comfortable from the factory for any adult rider. When it comes to children that is not necessarily the case. Can-am knew that there would be children that wanted to go riding so they made their own booster seat that can be quickly installed to your machine to make them safe. Even though Can-am themselves don’t make youth harnesses, there are other brands out there that you can research that do make youth harnesses that can be installed on your machine to make them much safer for someone much smaller. The last thing that we suggest to make sure that your precious cargo stays safe during the entire ride is to get a helmet that will protect them in case of an accident occurring. Several companies make helmets that have communication systems inside. Communication is very important when you are on the trails. It can get very loud and the kids may not be able to hear, so having a system that will make it easy to communicate with them is essential. Now that you have a good helmet, harness, and booster seat, it is time to get that “kid-safe” Can-am out for a ride!

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