KTM Red Bull Racing Team Luggage
KTM and OGIO Team up for replica bags!
KTM teams up with OGIO every year to offer us the same amazing bags that the Red Bull Racing Team uses. There's something for everyone depending on size and budget. The Renegade backpack by OGIO is super high-quality day-bag with a pocket for seemingly everything. For a simple gear bag, the Replica Team Gear Bag is a single-compartment bag that's also a roller. The Dakar and Baja bags are perfect to carry with you on the bike and keep hydrated!
A step up from that would be the OGIO 9800, the most popular moto gear bag on earth! The Rig 9800 is arguably the industry’s most elite, fully loaded travel bag available. Durable construction and thoughtfully designed features make the Rig perfect for a trip to the track, a trek across the globe, and everything in between. Heavy Duty, over-sized wheels with extra clearance deliver a smooth ride and easy handling.
These bags not only offer quality, they are adorned with the blue and orange colors and logos that match the Red Bull Racing Team. We get the official logo for the team on the front, plus logos from our favorite partners like Pankl, Motorex, WP, and the Wings of Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation. Also, this entire line of bags is available in black/orange without the Red Bull logos.