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One bike to rule them all - 2023 KTM 250 XC

One bike to rule them all - 2023 KTM 250 XC

After riding the 2023 KTM 250 XC TBI I had one thought that wouldn't leave my mind. The 250 XC is the one bike that "does it all". It revs freer along with feeling more playful and fun than the revered 300. Don't get me wrong, if you do a lot of technical singletrack in the mountains, the 300 cannot be beat. However, for a guy who might like to ride singletrack, GPs, GNCCs, and maybe even play on a motocross track...the 250 XC can do all of that and better than the 300. Take a ride with me on the 2023 KTM 250XC TBI!

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