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Sign in to view GarageKTM offers the next generation of riders and racers in mind with the addition of the new SX-E 3 electric motorcycle. Ideal for young riders, this bike is based on the popular SX-E 5 but sports a lower power output, smaller wheels, and a lower and adjustable seat height.Keeping with its dedication to providing the perfect motorcycle for young riders, has equipped the SX-E 3 with safety features also available in the SX-E 5. The most important safety feature is the roll-over sensor which kills power to the motor when the motorcycle is tipped over. Another safety feature is the lockable ride modes panel. Riders can choose among six different ride modes with parents having the ability to lock the ride modes so riders can’t change modes mid-ride. These safety features along with zero emissions and a quieter, less intimidating noise than a gas-powered motorcycle make the SX-E 3 a true beginner’s bike.
For all the details, check out this video!